The Republic of Azerbaijan - a country in the southeastern part of the Caucasus. The area is 86,6 thousand square kilometers. In the north it borders with Russia, in the south with Iran, in the far south-west with Turkey, bordering by the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan is a presidential Republic. The capital is Baku city. Azerbaijan population is about 10 million people. The urban population – 51%, rural – 49%. Official language is Azerbaijani. The main religion is Islam. Administrative territorial division is presented by 59 regions and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. The currency is Azerbaijani manat (AZN). Azerbaijan is generally located in the Eastern hemisphere. Spain, Greece, Turkey, China, Korea are almost at the same latitude with Azerbaijan. Some important roads leading from Europe to the countries of Central and Eastern Asia run across the territory of Azerbaijan. Being at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, our country has a unique geopolitical and geographical position and remains important for international, economic and cultural ties. Historical and cultural monuments are the evidence of the long history of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has 9 out of 11 existing climate zones in the world. The climate in Azerbaijan is mainly influenced by geographical position, landscape and the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan is also rich in oil and gas. The Caucasus Mountains there are ore deposits of iron, titanium, gold, silver, copper, cobalt, chromite, base metals, molybdenum and other natural elements. Non-metallic deposits of great economic importance are presented by bentonite, limestone, travertine, marble, gypsum, quartz sand etc. |